Manners 3 / Canine Good Citizen- Level 3/CGC


August 5, 2024    
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Manners 3 / Canine Good Citizen- Level 3/CGC works to strengthen your dog’s ability to respond well in distracting situations and consistently demonstrate good manners in the presence of people and other dogs – both in the home and out in the community.

Building on Level 2 skills, this class practices extended stays at a distance, supervised separation, working with multiple distractions, walking in crowds, and staying focused in chaotic, changeable situations.

If desired, after successful completion of this class, dogs will be prepared to be evaluated fa an AKC Canine Good Citizen award for a small additional fee. this class is also an important prerequisite for handlers and dogs who want to continue onto training for advanced titles or certifications. Prerequisite: Manners 2 skills, or privately demonstrated mastery of requisite skills.

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