What is a “BFDC Top Dog” Team
A BFDC Top Dog Team is a dog and handler who have met the criteria to participate at approved club events on RCSC property.
How does your dog become a BFDC Top Dog?
Completion of Manners 3 with Out and About Class
Evaluation by one of our instructors and/or an American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.
Dog and handler must pass the evaluation which will be based on the requirements for the AKC Canine Good Citizen advanced level and reactivity responses to different stimuli.
What are the requirements for the AKC Canine Good Advanced level
- Dog stands, sits, or lies down and waits under control for three minutes.
- Dog walks on a loose leash in a natural situation and does not pull.
- Dog walks on a loose leash through a crowd.
- Dog walks past distractions and does not pull.
- Sit-stay in small group (two other people with dogs) All dogs on leash and owner’s left side, 3 ft. apart (at least 30 seconds
- Dog allows person who is carrying something (backpack, bag, etc) to approach and pet it.
- “Leave it.” Dog walks by food and follows owners instructions, “Leave it.”
- Down or sit-stay distance (owner’s choice)
- Recall with distractions present from 20 feet.
- Dog will sit or stand stay while owner goes through doorway.
How will teams be identified?
- Photo ID of dog and handler on a lanyard
- Top Dog vest – the club will be ordering a variety of sizes once dogs have been fitted.
- Vests will be issued by a club representative at the approved event when the team arrives at the event with proper ID and proof of rabies vaccine.
- Vests will be returned to club representative at the end of the event
How much does it cost?
To become a Best Friends Dog Club Top Dog, the cost is $15.
If you desire to receive the AKC Title for your dog, the evaluation is $10 and the filing fee with AKC is an additional $30.
(Your dog must be registered or listed with the AKC (AKC number, PAL, or AKC Canine Partners number) and already have a Canine Good Citizen award/title on record.)
The club will be providing the lanyard ID’s and vests.
How often does team get re-evaluated?
Top Dog Teams will be evaluated every two years.